Eliminate Odours from Cats Marking their Territory
Whether you are a cat lover or not, there is no doubt that the smell of cats marking their territory is almost unbearable. Even more so when you just don’t know how to stop the litter trays smelling. Why not eliminate pet odours, such as pet urine smells, with PowAir and our wide range of pet friendly and cruelty free products, including our pet pee spray (also known as Urine & Odour).
Top 10 Cleaning Tips with PowAir
Did you know that our PowAir products have more than one use, with customers across the globe using them for a variety of home deep cleaning activities. Deep clean your mattresses with natural mattress odour removers. Home deep cleaning has never been so easy with PowAir. Our products act as silent home odour neutralisers, constantly eliminating smells in the background. Here are PowAir’s top 10 cleaning tips!
Keeping Your Pets Cool This Summer
Now more than ever it is extremely important to be keeping your pets cool, ensuring that they are both healthy and safe during the heatwave. Unlike humans, pets hold a lot of fur which is not ideal on hot, summer days like we are currently experiencing and this makes it extremely difficult to stay cool. You may be wondering just how to keep your dog cool this summer, how hot is too hot for dogs, and is it appropriate to take your dog walking in a heatwave. Luckily, PowAir are here with tips to guide you and your pets through the heat!
Removing Odours from Artificial Grass
If you’re reading this you are probably finding yourself in a tricky situation on just how to remove odours from your AstroTurf and how to keep bit at its best this summer. Luckily, PowAir are here to help. If you need help removing odours, such as urine, from your fake grass, we’ve got your back! There are so many solutions to bring your garden back to life, all of which are quick and easy to complete just in time before your guests arrive.
Neutralise Motorhome Odours with PowAir
School is officially over for the summer, and with holidays in full swing, the world is your oyster when it comes to travelling. For some, this may lead to family adventures in your home away from home. With everyone under one, small, mobile roof, the state of your living space can easily take a rapid decline. Not only that but with this mess also comes strong odours and caravan smells that can be highly difficult to neutralise. Even right down to the caravan fridge smells and waste tank odours. That’s why PowAir are here to help you neutralise motorhome odours this summer!
Don’t sleep on those mattress odours
If you’re reading this blog post, it’s likely that you’ve tried several other home remedies to get rid of urine odours on yours or your child’s mattress. If how to clean a mattress correctly is playing on your mind. PowAir has a mattress odour remover for you!
Spring Cleaning with PowAir
The days are drawing out and the cold, dark winter is officially behind us! But one final tradition to observe before we can really begin to appreciate the spring time is the big (famous!) spring cleaning. Deep cleaning, aka home cleaning from top to bottom, can seem like such a chore but by having something as simple as a cleaning checklist, anything is possible. You will be room cleaning like a professional in no time.
Neutralising Children’s Bedroom Smells
Trying to keep a freshly fragranced home when you have children can be an uphill struggle at the best of times! From lingering food odours causing a smelly teenage bedroom to unwashed laundry on the ‘floordrobe’, bedrooms can quickly become host to a range of sinister bedroom smells. This may leave you thinking “my bedroom smells musty”. Luckily, we’ve got lots of helpful tips to help you tackle odours safely. Especially when it comes to bedroom smells, we’ll be discussing some of the more common problems that can lead to unwanted odours in children’s bedrooms. Keep reading to discover how you tackle them!
How To Eliminate Urine Odours Safely and Naturally
Living with pets brings both joy and entertainment in to our lives and our homes! They provide proven physical and mental health benefits. This has been particularly vital for many people, especially during the covid pandemic. However, it’s no secret that our furry friends can create horrendous smells that are difficult to tolerate. Never mind considering how hard they are to eliminate! That’s why PowAir are here to help you eliminate urine odours with our pet urine remover products. These products are known to remove pet smells with their enzymatic formula and odour eliminator hacks.