Using PowAir Products
Pet Hygiene
Once you’ve cleaned up your mucky pup it’s time to start eliminating those pet hygiene odours, such as wet dog smells, with the PowAir Pets range.

Removing odours naturally & safely
PowAir are here to help make removing pet odours from a wide range of environments easy, whilst also eliminating them from the source. Whether it’s wet dog smells or litter box odours, we’ve got your back in eliminating pet hygiene smells. Scroll below to see how you can use PowAir to remove odours from a variety of locations using a selection of products from the PowAir range.

Litter Trays


Dog Groomers

Litter Trays, Bathroom & Dog Groomers
It’s all good having a clean pup but what about having a home free of pet cleaning odours too? The smell of wet dog can sometimes become unbearable so leaving those odours to linger in your bathroom or dog grooming salon overtime can be extremely unpleasant for both yourself and guests. Not only is it ideal to put PowAir into play after cleaning your dog, but it’s also great to use after changing your cats litter tray. To reduce litter box smells in the atmosphere of an environment, simply pop a PowAir Pet Odour Block or Gel within a close proximity and let the essential oils work their magic.

Pet Hygiene Products
It’s one thing to look after your pet but eliminating their post bath hygiene odours is another. So, whether you are looking to eliminate wet dog odours from your dog grooming salon or neutralise cat spray odours to reduce litter box smells, PowAir Pets have your back. While we would highly recommend all of our product range, we’ve selected a few which we feel best fit pet cleaning odour elimination.

Derived from nature,
backed by science.
How does PowAir work to eliminate nasty odour problems? Well it all happens naturally on a molecular level. When you’re using our blocks, gels or sprays, PowAir evaporates and disperses into the air to neutralise odour molecules.
The rate of evaporation and dispersion is controlled by ambient conditions, such as air flow, temperature and humidity – in addition to the amount of product used. Scientifically speaking there are three methods of odour neutralisation that occur: adsorption, absorption and chemical reaction.
Did you know that all of our products are pet safe and contain no harsh chemicals? Why not use the PowAir Pets range to eliminate artificial grass smells and puppy training accidents. Find out more about why our products are suitable for pet urine odour removal by following the link below...